Slave Records of John Martin of Baldwin County, Georgia.
Contributed by Mike McNabb

Receipt for Catharine, from  5th Jan. 1850
Copy of Original
Slave Receipt
Baldwin Ct. Georgia
Received of John Martin (four hundred and forty Dollars in full payment for a negro girl named Catharine the right and title to Said Slave we will warrent and defend. We also warrent her sound in Boddy (sic) and mind.
This 5th of January 1850 John D Glass ----------------
John E. Chambers
Robert W. Trapp

Receipt for  Emeline, from Elizabeth McCook, 26th Feb, 1850
Copy of Original
Baldwin County
Received February 26, 1850 of John Martin Four hundred & forty dollars in full payment for a certain negro girl, named Emeline about ten years old, the right & title to which property, Thereby warrent & will forever defend unto the said John Martin his heirs & asigns. Elizabeth McCook. Test. George Leeves

Receipt for Jane from John P. Wright, 11th Feb. 1859
Copy of Original
Received of John Martin six hundred and seventy dollars for a negro girl named Jane which negro I warrent sound both in body and mind and I also warrent and defend unto the right and title forever this the 11th day of February 1859. John P. Wright

Freedman Contract between John Martin and Peter, his wife and infant; Jane and her child, Cate and her two children 14th Aug. 1865
Copy of Original

Georgia Baldwin County
Articles of Agreement
between John Martin of the first part, And Peter & his wife Emeline and her infant child. Also Jane & her child. And Cate and her two children of the second part. The above named servents do bind themselves to work faithful and obey all lawful orders as they have heretofore done. And on complying with the above agreement __ John Martin  do bind myself to feed and cloth them & there children, And give them half of the proceeds of the present crop. This August the 14th 1865.
Signed in the presence of
James M. Martin
Chesley Bloodworth
Peter Martin, his mark
Emeline Martin, her mark
Jane Martin her mark
Cate Martin her mark

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